Watch sport events with more fun and entertainment

Enhance and personalize your experience of watching sport events by using AI powered solutions by Zoosp.

    available in chrome webstore


AI commentary

AI Commentator

Experience the future of sport commentaries with AI-powered ZoospCommentator.

Chrome Extension

Chrome Extension

Access real-time sports statistics directly within your web browser via Zoosp Extension.



Do you have any sport-related questions? ZoospBot is here to help you with that.

AI Commentator

AI-Powered Personalized Commentator

Zoosp is thrilled to present our innovative product - AI-powered sport event commentaries that are tailored to your preferences! Our cutting-edge technology allows you to receive entertaining and personalized commentaries, all in the language of your choice. Our AI commentator can also answer any questions you may have, making the experience truly interactive. Moreover, we understand that everyone has unique preferences, so you can easily adjust the commentator to support your team and also the voice of the commentator can be switched to your liking. Join us and elevate your sport event experience with Zoosp!

Our Location

81 Charents str, Yerevan, Armenia

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